Sleep Glorious Sleep


Sleep…rejuvenation for the whole body, might, and spirit…


About 40 million people in the US suffer from chronic long-term sleep disorders each year. Roughly 20 million people struggle with occasional sleep problems. Sleep affects all the organs of our body. When we don’t get enough sleep, our risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, and dementia increases. Sleep affects the way we look at things. It also impact’s our relationships, work performance, and sex drive.


What are some simple things we can do to improve our sleep?

Give yourself time to wind down, even if it’s only 15-20 minutes. Follow a routine before bedtime and your body will start connecting the routine with “it’s time for sleep”.


Some ideas:

Avoid heavy, greasy meals before bed. Be sure your bedroom is cool and dark.

Avoid screens for 2 hrs. prior to bed. Take several deep breaths as you relax your

Listen to calming music. body. Do some stretches. Read Bible verses that bring you God’s peace. Take a warm shower or bath. Count your blessings for the day.

Dim the lights. Lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus. Read with a low light reading light. Pray, pray, pray.


Create a sleep sanctuary.

Make your sleeping space the most clutter-free, comfortable, restful place possible. Reserve the bedroom for sleeping and move unnecessary furniture and activities (working, checking your computer, watching TV) to another room or area.


Track your sleep patterns and habits for a week or two to help document your sleep pattern. Include things like:

What time do you go to bed? How long does it take you to fall asleep?

How many times do you wake up at night? How do you feel in the morning?

What you ate close to bedtime?


Write down your “to-dos” and stressors.

Set aside some time in the evening to put down on paper the thoughts that may interfere with falling asleep. Then, forget about them! (Keep a pad next to your bed for this.)


Other helps:

Include physical activity in your daily routine, but not right before bedtime.

Spend some time outside every day, especially in the morning. Exposing your eyes to sunlight in the morning helps your body produce more melatonin as the sun goes down.


Helpful sites:

Health Ministry 5/2024

P. Spegman