April 2024 Health Topic



Colorectal Cancer:

Facts and Stats


Although the rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) is not increasing in overall incidence, it has been increasing in subgroups, particularly those less than 55 years of age.  Of all cancers, it is predicted that CRC will increase by more than 140% by 2030, taking the most lives of people under 50 at that point.  Among adults under 50, CRC is now the top cause of cancer death in men and the second top cancer cause in women. (In 1998, it had a fourth-place ranking.) One in 3 adults between 45 and 75 years of age are not being screened as recommended. 


Those with a family history of CRC are at a higher risk and need to be screened earlier than 45.  Between 25-20% of CRC patients have a family history (predisposition) of the disease.

Other risk factors include: age (getting older), personal history of polyps or cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, smoking, excessive alcohol use, a fatty diet, and obesity.


Overall, the LGBTQ+ rates of screening is less than the general population and many avoid healthcare due to previous discrimination and harassment. 


People with the lowest socioeconomic status are 40% more likely to be diagnosed with CRC than those with the highest socioeconomic status. Black Americans are at higher risk, and rates are higher in indigenous communities.  Hispanic and Latino Americans face barriers to getting screened.


Jews of Eastern European descent (Ashkenazi Jews) have one of the highest CRC risks of any ethnic group in the world.


Colorectal cancer IS PREVENTABLE!  ALL adults 45 and older should be screened! There are some newer and at-home options for screening test.  PLEASE consult with your primary care provider about the screening tests that are best for you and your individual situation!

Do not ignore the lower end of your GI tract!


Helpful sites:  



Health Ministry 4/2024

P. Spegman